a healthy body+ a healthy mind= a happy life.

A healthy body + a healthy mind = a happy life.

Yoga Teacher & Ayurvedic Practitioner

My name is Nessa Feehan, I am a Yoga Teacher and Ayurvedic Practitioner based in Birr Co. Offaly.

At Yoganess Ireland we offer weekly yoga classes, online classes, and courses, one-to-one classes, corporate classes/workshops, workshops, and retreats. We also offer Ayurvedic consultations and therapies to help you find natural balance and achieve optimal health.


There are a lot of coughs, colds and flu going around at the moment, and while I am a big advocate for staying in bed or at the very least wrapped in blankets on the couch when you are unwell, sometimes a little yoga can really help. Here are three poses I find helpful when I have a head cold, sinus congestion or a cough. 

1. Childspose (or childspose variant) with forehead resting on a block. The gentle pressure of the head on the block can help with sinus drainage and give headache relief. I'm usually not the biggest fan of this pose as I don't always find comfort in it, however if you do it can also be a great place to rest when you are feeling unwell as it allows you to turn your attention inward.

2. Camel Pose/Ustrasana can help with post nasal drip and creates space in the front of the chest, I find this give me relief after coughing. If you are going to try this pose make sure to warm up first, try some cat/cow and thread the needle movements before attempting this pose.

3. Legs up the wall one of my favourite positions when I'm feeling in any way under the weather. This pose is soothing on the nervous system and promotes the rest and digest response which is vital for healing.

These poses may or may not help you, I know they do help me when I can feel I need to move a bit after long periods in bed or on the couch. 

Do you have any other yoga poses that help you feel better share them with me below and don't forget to save this post for next time you're feeling poorly.

If you are feeling unwell I hope you feel better soon!

#yogabirr #yogaoffaly #yogateacher #yogalife #bewell #ayurvedicliving #ayurvedicpractitioner
I'm a little bit obsessed with Chair Yoga! 

I currently teach 9 chair yoga classes a week and absolutely love every single one of them. 

I love the chats and connections created in a chair yoga class (and every class but they do happen more at chair yoga).

I love how many ways we can move, strengthen and mind our bodies while using a chair. 

My granny (one of my all time favourite people) had a fall when I was quite young and she lost her confidence to walk afterwards as a result she spent the last 10ish years of her life confined to the downstairs of her house. I wish she'd known about chair yoga. How it can help to strengthen your feet and legs, helps with balance, coordination, to name but a few. I truly believe if she had, the final years of her life could have looked very different. 

We can't prevent ourselves from getting older but we can ensure we get the best out of ourselves as we get older and for me yoga plays a huge part of this whether it's done on the floor or on a chair.

I'm very excited to be a teaching chair yoga teacher CPD course next month @arunayogaacademy. IMO every yoga teacher should offer chair yoga classes and every town should have regular chair yoga classes. 

I offer 3 weekly Chair Yoga classes @thespace_above .
Tuesday 11am
Wednesday 9:30am - Men's Only 
Wednesday 11:45am 
If you know someone who could benefit from this amazing practice.

#chairyoga #chairyogateacher #

PS. I never take pictures in my classes. These pictures were posed, and taken and shared with permission as part of an article in @offalypeoplemagazine
There's something about being by the sea that really soothes the soul. The blue sky, late winter sunshine and adventures with my nephew really helped too. 

Hoping for lots more weekends like this in 2025.

PS. I've a few drop in spaces available in classes this week and next week @thespace_above DM if you'd like to join us.

 #yogaclass #yogabirr #yogaoffaly #ayurvedicliving #yogateacher #yoganessireland
Spring is a time for new beginnings, for new seeds to be planted, a time for rebirth and re-emergence, a time to rejoice in life and the in beauty of nature. You are invited to join us at The Space Above for a one-day Spring wellness retreat, where we will celebrate the beginning of Spring by connecting in with ourselves, planting seeds of intention for the year ahead and mindfully observing the gentle awakening of nature

Starting at 10.30am with a grounding meditation, sowing intentions and time for personal reflection. Nessa will then lead you through a very slow and gentle yoga practice, to warm and awaken the body and give you the opportunity to connect in with your body and your breath and allowing the mind a chance to rest.

After a yoga you will be served seasonal lunch. After lunch we will take a short walk by the Camcor River. Here you will be invited to mindfully connect in both with yourself and your surroundings as well as having an opportunity to chat and connect with others in the group.

On returning to the Studio we will be guided through restorative yoga and self-massage, followed by deep relaxation and Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep Practice). To soothe the nervous system and promote and feeling of wellness and restfulness in the whole body.

The day will conclude with a closing circle, meditation, teas and a tasty treat.

This one-day retreat is open to everyone, no yoga experience necessary. Not suitable for pregnancy. Places are limited so early booking is essential. 

#yogaretreat #yogaretreatireland #yogabirr #yogaoffaly #yogaireland #yogateacher #ayurvediclifestyle #ayurvedicliving
The only way to know if something will work out is to try it! 

I sometimes plan my classes in my dreams and then walk wondering if that would be possible? 😅 The only way I can tell is to get on my mat and try it! 

The same can be said for anything we 'dream' about. We won't know if it will work till we try it? 

This year I have after 8 years of dreaming, planning, working, and creating finally launched my Yoga & Ayurveda Holiday to Kerala. And I'm so excited that I have finally pushed past my fear of failing and put it out to the universe. Within 2 days of launching we'd 5 people signed up!!

What have you been putting off due to fear or the unknown or fear of failing? And how can you take the first step towards it?

#yogaoffaly #yogabirr #yogateachermusings #yogateacher #preclasswarmups #wobbles #yogaretreat  #yogastudent #feelthefear
It's the season for coughs, colds and  generally feeling a little under the weather.  As an Ayurvedic Practitioner my spice tin or rack is the first place I go to help with seasonal ailments. Below are some of my go to remedies.

Sore throat - mix a 1/8 teaspoon of turmeric with 1/4 teaspoon of salt in warm water and gargle.

For a cold -  equal parts Fresh Ginger, cinnamon and pinch cardamom, cover with boiling water and leave to stew for 10min before drinking. You can add honey once the tea has cooled.

Cough (dry) -drink warm milk with 1/4 teaspoon of dried ginger powder.

Cough (with phlegm) - Ginger, black pepper and clove tea. Boil a 1inch piece of fresh ginger with 2 cloves and a couple of peppercorns. Allow to cool before drinking (once it's cooled you can add honey if you like).

Sinus congestion/runny nose - add 1 teaspoon of ginger to a pint of water bring to the boil, turn off the hob and cover your head with a towel and inhale the vapour (be careful it's not too hot.)

Remember to keep warm, especially if you're venturing out. If you've a sore throat or cough make sure you keep your neck and chest covered and warm!

And above all REST.  If you're feeling tired and unwell, listen to your body and take rest. 

I'd love to hear how you got on with these remedies. If you want any further guidance on how Ayurveda can help support you don't hesitate to get in touch. 

#seasonalwellness #coughremedy #letfoodbethymedicine #ayurvedalifestyle #visitbirr
Finally, January is over ( not that I can complain about it) the daffodils are starting to poke their sunny heads up and the days are beginning to stretch out. Little by little Spring is beginning to bloom around us. Yesterday, marked the Celtic festival of Imbolc and St. Brigit’s Day. 

Brigit is the patron goddess/saint of healing and this time of year; Spring, when nature begins to wake from the winter darkness and sleep in preparation for the longer, warmer days ahead, is the perfect time of year plant seeds, both literally and symbolically. It is the ideal time to start new projects, that perhaps you’ve been putting off, to create plans and organize activities and adventures and to clear out any old or stagnant energy that may be standing in your way. (Think Spring cleaning mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually). The feast of Imbolc is a great time to set intentions, review goals and clean out what you no longer need.

This is exactly what I’ve been doing these past few days, revisiting the intentions I set at the start of the year and putting into action things I’ve thought about for a long time but perhaps didn’t have the courage or the energy to bring them to fruition. I’m also beginning to plan for my Spring Wellness Day on March 8.

In ancient Celtic tradition Imbolc (Feb 1st) marked the midpoint of winter. When I was in primary school we were taught Spring began on February 1st. When I worked in Spain my friends and students told me that Spring began on March 21st (Spring equinox).  Ayurveda teaches about 6 seasons rather than our traditional 4, and according to my Ayurvedic teachers Spring in the northern hemisphere is from mid-March until mid-May.  Which ever school you subscribe to there is no denying that the first signs of spring are beginning to show all around us. While I feel Spring is everyone's favourite season, it can also bring it's struggles. It's Kapha season. Think excess mucus, coughs and colds, sluggish digestion, feeling heavy and tired. These Ayurvedic tips can help you feel your best as we transition from Winter into Spring.

Do you change your habits with the seasons? 🤔 Let me know what you do for Spring.
🌿✨ *Exciting News! Your Dream Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat in Kerala Awaits!* ✨🌿

We are beyond excited to officially launch our *Yoga & Ayurveda Holiday in Kerala, India* from *Dec 28th, 2025 – Jan 6th, 2026*! 🌴

This is your chance to experience:
✨ Daily yoga practices designed to restore and revitalize your body and mind 
✨ Authentic Ayurvedic healing treatments tailored to your unique needs 
✨ Meditation, mindfulness, and relaxation techniques to cultivate inner peace 
✨ Beautiful Kerala surroundings – tranquil beaches, lush landscapes, and serene backwaters 🌊 
✨ A warm, welcoming community and expert guidance from your experienced hosts

🌟 *Why Join Us?* 
✔ Reset and recharge after a busy year 
✔ Prioritize your health and well-being in a nurturing, supportive environment 
✔ Connect with like-minded individuals on a journey of gentle transformation 
✔ Explore the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda in it's birthplace

*Spaces are limited, and we’d love for YOU to be part of this!* 🦋

🔗 *Click the link in bio* to find out more & secure your spot today! 

Got questions? Feel free to DM us or book a call – we’re here to help!

Let’s start 2026 in the most peaceful, balanced, and inspired way possible. 🌟

#YognessIreland #YogaRetreat #Ayurveda #KeralaRetreat #YogaInIndia #WellnessJourney #SelfCare #TravelToIndia #Rejuvenation #Mindfulness #YogaHoliday #StartTheNewYearRight #YogaAndAyurveda
Happy Friday! Happy Bank Holiday weekend!!

After a very busy week, filled with classes, meetings, photos shoots and interviews (more on that later😅) and A LOT of computer time. I'm beyond excited to officially launch my Yoga and Ayurveda Holiday to Kerala. The website is now live and has all the details! I'll be sharing lots more on it here too, but first I need a nap 😴 

Thanks to @caitinthekitchen for all your support and the many many hours you've put in to get this out to the world! 

And thanks to our wonderful webdesigner @nicecubedesign for your patience with us! 

Check out our website for all the details!

#yogaoffaly #yogabirr #yogaclass #yogaretreat #yogateacher #yogastudio
Rituals and routines help to ground us (especially helpful in these turbulent, stormy times). A solid morning routine can help set us up for what ever the day ahead throws at us. Little rituals like lightning a candle can help us focus our energy or prepare us to begin a new task. When I'm preparing the therapy room @thespace_above for clients my little rituals and routines allow me to settle myself and prepare me to meet and hold space for whatever they are bringing with them. From lighting candles to changing into my slippers (how great it is to work in slippers!) these small steps shift my focus form whatever else me day offered to be able to give my full attention and focus to my client. 

Do you have any ritual that ground you or help you focus?

#ayurvedicliving #ayurvediclifestyle #ayurvedicpractitioner #ayirvedicmassage #yogateacher #thespaceabove #visitbirr #visitoffaly #rituals
Thanks to everyone who joined me and @caitinthekitchen for our Late Winter Rest Retreat yesterday @thespace_above 

May we carry this rested energy into the rest of the year!

Our next Seasonal Retreat Day is March 8th when we we delve into practices to support us in Spring 🌱🌼🌱 

#yogaoffaly #yogabirr #yogaretreatday #yogaforeveryone #ayurvedicliving #ayurvedalifestyle #ayurvedicpractitioner
This post storm lull has me dreaming about being back in Beautiful Fort Kochi! 

I've spent most of today (until the power went and my laptop died) working on the website for my upcoming Yoga and Ayurveda holiday to Fort Kochi. I'm beyond excited to share this with you. I promise I won't keep you waiting much longer for the details! 😉 If you signed up for the pre launch email keep an eye on your inbox and spam over the next day or so, I've a very special pre launch offer just about ready to go to you!

#yogaretreatday #yogaholiday #yoganessireland
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